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Front axle 560SL

28 Nov. 2023 20:12 #326722 von stan73
Front axle 560SL wurde erstellt von stan73
Dear all, 

I would like to change all bushings from front axle, subframe mounts, engine mounts of my 560SL.
I can see very expensive original MB parts and some
aftermarket items. Any suggestions about quality of some brand? Meyle, Lemforder, Febi … 
Also, i can find only bushings for upper control arm in ebay produced from JP classic line, is it reliable? 
Any advice will be appreciated 

Best regards, 

560SL, 1987

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28 Nov. 2023 20:33 - 28 Nov. 2023 20:35 #326724 von Quickbiker2012
Quickbiker2012 antwortete auf Front axle 560SL
Hi Stan,

I have used the PU bushings (upper and lower) from HistoMondial ( shop.histomondial.de/51-r107 ) in 2021. Till now ( ~10.000 km) no issues and very good handling and direction stability.

The shore value is a bit higher than the rubber bushings (80 if I remember correctly) but from my point of view with no negative effect to the comfort.

BTW - the different colours offered are only for optical reason, all have the same shore value.

Letzte Änderung: 28 Nov. 2023 20:35 von Quickbiker2012.

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28 Nov. 2023 20:54 #326727 von Quickbiker2012
Quickbiker2012 antwortete auf Front axle 560SL
Hi Stan,

For the subframe mount I used original MB mounts with the reinforcement from SL Edition ( www.sl-repro.de/Vorderachsverstaerkungen-R-C-107--.html ). Unfortunately they only fit with the expensive original bushings. Since 2019 I did not recognise that the bushing are worn.

Engine mints were also renewed in 2019 with original MB but need to be replaced again this year - the original ones settled by about 2cm in 4 years ;-(


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28 Nov. 2023 21:18 #326728 von stan73
stan73 antwortete auf Front axle 560SL
Thanks Ralf,
very competent and helpful !

560SL, 1987

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28 Nov. 2023 23:35 #326730 von Chromix
Chromix antwortete auf Front axle 560SL
Hi Ralf,

which engine mounts are you going to use this time? If they have to be changed again after only 4 years it might be worth using reinforced mounts here as well.
D.T.L has those also: [url] www.sl-repro.de/-436.html [/url]


Nur wer für den Augenblick lebt, lebt für die Zukunft.
Heinrich von Kleist

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29 Nov. 2023 16:15 - 29 Nov. 2023 16:15 #326736 von Quickbiker2012
Quickbiker2012 antwortete auf Front axle 560SL
Hi Lutz,

I used original MB mounts in 2019 :-( I'm now also using reinfored ones similar to the ones from D.T.L. / SL-Repro. These ones are from Meyle and the chambers are filled with polyeurethane.

I'm just curious whether this will cause vibrations from the engine transmitted more strongly to the bodywork. I will see once everything is assembeld together, but this will take a while as the cylinderheads not mounted yet.

But I will provide feedback after the first test drive.

Letzte Änderung: 29 Nov. 2023 16:15 von Quickbiker2012.

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