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Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A)

29 Aug. 2022 23:27 #302620 von jcrogez
Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A) wurde erstellt von jcrogez

My R107 being equipped with an AC with R12 banned today, I was thinking of switching to R134A, but apparently this RS24 gas is designed as a direct replacement for R12 with almost the same cooling capacity, unlike R134A which seems less efficient.


Does anyone have any feedback on the use of this gas?

Jean Charles

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30 Aug. 2022 07:25 - 30 Aug. 2022 10:43 #302623 von Neckartaler
Neckartaler antwortete auf Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A)
Hallo Charles,

the link does not work.

I do not have any experiences with R426A but > 90% of this gas is R134A.
From my point of view it is better to use pure R134A than a mixture when you have to refill later.

Viele Grüße
Letzte Änderung: 30 Aug. 2022 10:43 von Neckartaler.

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31 Aug. 2022 00:31 #302685 von Chromix
Chromix antwortete auf Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A)

the correct link is:
[url] www.framacold.com/upload/gaz/RS-24-771.pdf [/url]
The advantage of R426A over R134A is, that it is compatible with mineral oil that we had in our AC when it was driven by R12.
I used (and still use) R437A in my car but this seems to be no longer available. In my opinion R426A is a good option if you don't want to change the oil.


Nur wer für den Augenblick lebt, lebt für die Zukunft.
Heinrich von Kleist

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13 Sep. 2022 09:22 #303430 von jcrogez
jcrogez antwortete auf Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A)
Thanks for your feedback.

After inspection of the air conditioning system, everything is original and all the hoses and the oil tank will have to be replaced anyway.
My mechanic told me that R132A had already been banned in new cars since 2013 and replaced by R1234yf, which is less harmful to the planet but more dangerous because it is flammable.
R426A is not flammable, does not destroy the ozone layer but warms the planet like R132A.
I admit that I have trouble determining the gas that will still be usable in 20 years.

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14 Sep. 2022 00:00 #303459 von Chromix
Chromix antwortete auf Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A)
Hello Jean Charles,

which oil tank? Do you mean the dryer? The oil is distributed over the whole AC system.
As the AC system in our cars was designed for R12, a refrigerant with as similar characteristics as possible is preferable.


Nur wer für den Augenblick lebt, lebt für die Zukunft.
Heinrich von Kleist

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14 Sep. 2022 23:13 #303508 von jcrogez
jcrogez antwortete auf Refrigerant gas RS-24 (R426A)
Hello Chromix,

On paper, RS-24 seems like the ideal solution. But I don't know if many garages are able to recharge the air conditioning with this gas.
I can't find any prices online.

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