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Server crash at provider on 04/23/2020

24 Apr. 2020 08:42 #243432 von Dr-DJet
Server crash at provider on 04/23/2020 wurde erstellt von Dr-DJet

yesterday evening after I had watched the news I suddenly noticed that all my web sites were not reachable any more. I could see I/O erros in file system. That already hinted to a crash of server harddisk. When calling our provider All-inkl.com they first only confirmed problems and at 22:02h CEST I received the confirmation that a hard disk had crashed and that they were restoring form last backup now.

That means that all activities of yesterday are gone by the wind :cry: :cry: :cry:

  1. forum entries
  2. private messages
  3. new user approvals
  4. new article about K-Jetronic fuel gauge buidl plan that I had entered yesterday all day long :headbanger:

All-Inkl.com and me apologize for all inconveniences.

Viele Schraubergrüße - best regards, Volker, Admin und Betreiber
Fast alles zu Zündung und Jetronic auf jetronic.org
Workshops Heizung/Klima 10.5.(HU), D-Jetronic 18.6.(F),20.9.(ER), K-Jetronic 31.5.(ER),23.8.(F)

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