Old Sternzeit-107 (Startime-107) became old and rusty and had to be renewed by a new forum. Normally admins open a new forum and history disappears in a soon gone archive. But here history of the old Sternzeit with its Forum 107 and more than 200 workshop articles around Mercedes-Benz 107 SL/SLC together with 9600 users at that time were the most important things to save. That is why we preserved exactly this history for browsing and searching, just with new clothes. It was a months full-time project to ensure that this history was not lost. And yes, it is now available in English too! Before I tell you more details, most important question first:
How can you login again as an old user?
Every single user including its dara like name, username, avatar, city, hobies etc. were taken into account. Only one detail I could not copy out of technical reasons: Your password. Sternzeit-107 is far more secure thant the old forum and demands an up-to-date encryption of passwords. That is why you have to ONCE request and set a new password even if you are already present as user. A little effort for more security so to say. In order to do that follow these steps:
- Upper left click on Login
- Afte that click on Forgot password
- Now enter your email address. You will receive an email from
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within a few minutes. If you do not receive it you have either entered wrong email or check your spam folder! - You will find a confirmation code in your email. Enter it together with your Username
- Now you can set a new password. It must contain uppercase, lowercase, 2 digits and a special character.and hava at least 8 chars.
- Now solve a captcha (protects from spammers) and accept terms of service
- And off you go!
Everything else you will find under "Read more".
What to do if you forgot your email?
Nothing! I cannot and I will not change emails to reactivate usrs. You could be a data thieve. In that case, please reregister. Hint: You cannot reregister with a username or email already used by another user.
Where to start here
I propose that you start with menu Forum. There you will find all the forums available. I created a forum especially for our English speaking. Of course you find the German forum with more than 160'000 posts as well. Then have a look at your profile. To look at it, just click on your Username in upper left corner. If you want to change it because you want to upload an avatar for example, just click on Edit. Please enter your city, country and set a signature - if you like - and you will e.g. see all your attachments that you entered in 15 years of Sternzeit-107.
What do you find in Navigation?
- 107 manual - Complete 107 SL/SLC workshop manual in English. Only in English, German is not pubically available
- 107 workshop - Workshop articles from members for members. More than 200 in German, only few in English. Sorry we have to translate them. I need help!
- 107 figures - License, production, price lists, codes
- 107 technicals - Sorry not yet in English available
- 107 links - Sorry not yet in English available
- ArticlelMgr - Only visible for authors who write workshop articles
What to find in footnotes?
- Impressum
- Contact form
- Help
- Terms of use
- Private messages - you can also select them in upper right. Messages of old Sternzeit are however gone.
Which messages can I receive from forum?
You can set that up yourself. Possibilities are:
- Email and / or Popup windows when receiving Private Message
- Subsribe to categories or topics via email
- RSS Feeds for every forum or article category
Why a new Sternzeit 2.0?
Old Sternzeit-107 was bound to die with its 15 years old - and never upgraded - software phpNuke and totally insecure. Its programming is so old that it would not even run in current environment of MySQL and PHP, it only shows a white screen. It uses such old programming techniques that they are no longer supported and have been deceased with current PHP 7. Additionally no one in 2002 foresaw that we would need SSL security certificates and https for safe communications. http://sternzeit-107.de is hardcoded into the code everywhere. Additionally it was not safe to use it. That is why we needed a new Sternzeit-107 2.0. But it was meant not to loose focus on:
- Original vision of Sternzeit-107 by its founder gismo: An active forum with nice spirit, expert help in countless (still mostly German) articles, a market for cars and parts of 107 SL/SLC plus current news
- History of more than 200 technical articles and 160'00 posts about our 107s should be conserved.
Our term with frank25, topi, juliusmst, Gullydeckel, Marcel and me have done this job. My thanks espeically go to Frank for helping me with manual takeover of 200 articles form old workshop area - yes we rentered and reformatted every single one by hand -, to Thomas and als Julius for endless testing and writing German HELP articles. Also Martin and Marcel have given valuable feedback about forum design. You all have motivated me again and again during these 2 months round the clock work to install this Sternzeit 2.0.
Now let me wish us all a lot of fun and success with Sternzeit 2.0. my award would be that you like it so much that you will write many good technical articles that we can publish here or translate the existing German ones.
Your Dr-DJet Volker